July 28, 2010

Declutter-DONATE-Feel Good

Many of you have asked me in the past few weeks where you can donate items you no longer want or need.

There are actually countless large and small charities, non profit organizations and thrift stores across the New York Metropolitan area, that would love your old possessions.  Not only is it a good way to get a tax deduction (speak with your accountant), but if you are like me, you will feel really good about someone else enjoying something you've owned, and, at the same time, helping others.  Also, it is a actually a way of recycling.
However, in light of the fact that so many others also want to give away their own stuff, thrift stores and charities, in many cases, have gotten very choosy.  And, even fewer will now pickup.  Nevertheless, there is still an  abundance of need and you can be somewhat selective.

The following are option categories:

1)  Animal Shelters
2)  Armed Forces, Soldiers and War Veterans
3)  Arts
4)  Career Aid
5)  Children's Charities
6)  Community Centers
7)  Homeless or Refuge Shelters
8)  Medical & Psychiatric
9)  Religious Charities
10) Disadvantaged/Underprivileged
Where you want your possessions to go is a very personal decision.

As I said, few places can afford to pickup and even fewer will take just anything.  I can help you make the decision where things should and can go and let you know who will pick up; or you can do the work yourself by going to

If you can deduct the donation on your taxes, you will need to get a form from the place you donate to, and fill it out as proof of donation.  There is an approximate monetary valuation given by Goodwill 
Again, please speak to your accountant or tax advisor before using this guideline..

Please comment to let me know if I've left out a category or if you have other suggestions for fellow readers. Thanks and happy donating!

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